Students archaeology course programme

Students archaeology course

The home of Roman wonders offers  an educational archeology course  to  students of all levels  and degrees who wish to deepen the artistic and urban developement of ancient Rome and its surroundings lead by an  expert English speaking archaeology lecturer. We  can offer hospitalty  at home of Roman wonders from one to maximum  four  students . The archaeology  course has a duration of five working  days . The last two week days students are free to   enjoy the city of Rome as they please. Students can custumize the five  days archaeology course  at their pleasure . If they wish,  for example, to replace  a lecture with another topic they can scroll our tours programme on our  web site home page to find other possibilities.

The cost of the five days archaeology course including six nights rental fee at home of Roman wonders  is 1450 euros per person.  The students age for the course can range  from 28 years old up to 70 years old.

Please note: students must book the archaeology course at least three weeks in advance. For our booking and cancellation policy please see our Terms and Conditions  on the web site home page.

Guests Welcome Dinner

If you are tired after a long journey to Rome we offer our guests the opportunity to enjoy with us a relaxing welcome dinner at home of Roman wonders . It will be a good opportunity to share an exquisite meal prepared by the expert hands of our chef Cinzia Sacchetti and meet our lecturers and staff.

CLASSICAL HOME MADE DINNER WITH TABLE SERVICE:  traditonal Roman cuisine menù wich includes a starter , a first course,  a second course with  a side , dessert and wine.

Price per person:  50,00 €

It is  also possible to have dinner at home every day on your request.

Where to buy Roma pass Card 72 hours

Due to Covid -19 situation we higly recommend students to purchase the Roma pass Card 72 hours to have booking pioririty for all sites and museums at least two weeks in advance before your arrival in Rome.

With Roma pass 72 hours you can have:

free entry to the two first museums and archaeological sites  of visit.

Reduced tickets to all other museums and archaeological sites of Rome.

Discount and special prices for events , exhibitions and tourist services such as bike , e-bike rental fee and tourism busses

Students archaeology course programme


An expert archaeologist lecturer will lead students to explore the most representative and fascinating archaeological sites and museums of ancient Rome  focusing on the historical periods that have most charcterized the various phases of the artistic and urban developement of the Roman city from the first village of huts on the Palatine hill, the Republican times art and society, to  the Imperial times material culture up to the cultural and urban transformation in  the  Late Antiquity. 



An expert archaeology lecturer will bring to life the mythical history of ancient Rome full of legends and epic. The mythical legend of Romulus will be retraced in the light of recent archaeological discoveries conducted by the University of Rome.. The archaeological investigations  undertaken  by professor Andrea Carandini  have brought to light a wall circuit at the foot of the northen slope of the Palatine built in tufa blocks and housed in virgin clay datable to the mid-eight  century B.C. that   according to the ancient tradition was the time when Rome was founded ( 753 Bc) . Other  archaeological evidences such as a group of huts from the mid-eighth century on the Palatine hill show  that this was the first hut village of the age of Romulus. The visit starts with the Palatine hill where the hut of Rome’s mythical founder Romulus is located, together with a series of ancenstral cult sites such as the grotto of Lupercal , the temple of Vesta and Magna Mater  and the sacred site of the godddes Pales. We will explore  the Flavian Palace which was built largely during the reign of the Flavian dinasty ( 69-96 d. C.) by Vespasian , Titus and Domitian. This palace which was modiefied by several emperors , extends across the Palatine hill and looks out over the Circus Maximus. We will then  visit the Antiquarium comunale of the Palatine hill where  a series of marvelous frescoes and marble statues from the Imperial palaces are preserved. In the evening whe will visit the Roman Forum the main centre of the commercial, political and social life of Ancient Rome.

Lecture highlights

  • Explore the fascinating history of the Colosseum , the largest and oldest anphitheatre in the world.
  • View the amazing architectural scenary of the Imperial Palace on the Palatin Hill
  • Explore the mithical village of huts of the origin of Rome on the Palatine Hill
  • Learn the icredibile history of ancient Romans every day life at the Roman Forum

What’s included

  • Expert, English-speaking archaeology  lecturer
  • The archaeology lecturer will pick you up at home of Roman wonders at 10 a.m. and will take you back home at the end of the tour.

Please note:  the Colosseum , Palatine , Roman forum ticket is free with the Roma pass Card. You can book the ticket online on the website . Required booking fee 2€  (with credit card ). Roma pass holders online booking admission is mandatory with at least one week in advance.   Roma pass info line +39 060608



An expert archaeologist will bring to life the mythical history of Ancient Rome full of legends and epic . We will walk through the Imperial Forums and visit the remains of the Forum of Augustus, Caesar and Trajan along Via dei Fori Imperiali. Finally we will reach the Capitoline  hill ,  the civic center of Rome where the seat of the mayor resides. From the panoramic terrace of the Capitoline hill we have the opportunity of a magnificent view over the Roman Forum to learn the history  and  main urban developement of the ancient Rome city centre and then visit the Capitoline museums housing  one of the most remakable collections of ancient Roman art  and archaeology of the city of Rome.

Lecture highlights

  • Explore the fascinating history af the Imperial forums
  • See the magnificent beauty of the Michelangelo’s Capitoline square
  • Visit the extraordinary ancient Roman art collection of the Capitoline museums
  • Enjoy the panoramic view over the Roman Forum

Lecture duration: three hours and half

Please note:   The Capitoline museum  ticket is free with the Roma Pass card. Reservation  is highly recommended with Roma Pass at at least one week in advance . You must show  your signed Roma pass card ,  the reservation ticket and  your valid identity document at the Capitoline  museums entrance ticket office.



This walking tour is aimed at ilustrating the  vast plain of the field of  Mars which  during imperial times was endowed with several monuments  tempeles and buidings. The Campus Martius, dedicated to the war god Mars, is where Roman soldiers played sports or military exercises. During imperial times the area, now the historic centre of Rome, is huddled between Venice Square, Navona square and Piazza del Popolo. Emperor Augustus used it for public entertainment and built theatres, baths, porticoes and temples there. We will start our walking tour from Via dell’Arco della Ciambella near Argentina square  where you can still see the remains of the ancient Baths of Agrippa. We will then continue our tour towards the Pantheon square.. Just before the square adjacent to the Pantheon rotunda we will  admire the magnificent ruins of the Basilica of Neptune. The basilica was constructed in 25 BC by Marco Vipsanio Agrippa – son in law and admiral of the emperor Augustus – in honour of the sea god Neptune to celebrate his naval victory over Marc Antony and Cleopatra at Azio in 31 BC. We will visit then the imposing and well-preserved building of the Pantheon temple. It was transformed into the Church of Santa Maria ad Martyres during the VII century. The walk continues towards the beautiful Piazza di Pietra where we will admire  the ruins of the massive Temple of Hadrian.  In 1831 the building was assigned to the Borsa di Roma (the stock exchange of Rome). We will  then walk  towards  Piazza Colonna. At the centre of the square just opposite the Chigi Palace, stands the column of Marcus Aurelius built to honour the emperor Marcus Aurelius by his son Commodus to celebrate his victorious campaigns against the German tribes of the Marcomanni, Sarmati and Quadi between 176 and 192 AD. We will then take a walk to Piazza Augusto Imperatore to visit the Mausoleum of Augustus, the great circular tomb of the emperor Augustus. Next head to the splendid marble altar Ara Pacis built by emperor Augustus in 9 BC to commemorate his safe retourn to Rome after he had spent three years in Spain and Gaul.

Lecture highlights

  • Enjoy the fascinating hidden ruins of the field of Mars
  • Visit the imposing Pantheon temple
  • Learn the history of the emperor Augustus who built up the Campus Martius
  • See the magnificent ruins of the Hadrian temple
  • Visit the splendid marble Altar of Pacis
  • Learn the amazing history of the Mausoleum of Augustus

Lecture duration: three hours

Please note: Ara Pacis Roma pass reduced ticket fee: 9 euro per person

Reservation is highly recommended with Roma Pass at at least one week in advance.

What’s included

  • Expert, English-speaking archaeology lecturer
  • The archaeology lecturer will pick you up at home of Roman wonders at 10.00 a.m. and will take you  back home at the end of the tour.



Ancient Ostia located on the left river side of the Tiber, just twenty kilometres from the city, was the main port of Rome founded in the fourth century B.C, to facilitate the full control of the river and his navigation from the Mediterranean Sea. The ruined remains, equal only to Pompei, are an extraordinary document of the intense commercial, religious and social daily life of the inhabitants, which counted about 50,000 during his most florid period under the Empire. This excursion will lead you to discover the major monumental sites of Ancient Ostia such as the theatre, the baths of Neptune, temples, mytreums and several of the “insulae”.

Lecture highlights

  • Enjoy a day trip to explore the fascinating daily life in ancient Ostia
  • Visit the Bath of Neptune where Ostia inahabitants where used to enjoy their pleasant relaxation
  • See the splendid mosaics of piazzale delle corporazioni( coorporation square ) where the merchants guilds ( collegia) exposed their goods
  • Learn about the operation of millstones for grain and the methods of bread making.
  • Visit the beautiful tavern where the Romans where used to have a frugal meal

Lecture duration: full day

Ancient Ostia excavations ticket: 10 euro per person.

Please note: we will go and come back from ancient Ostia by train from Piramide train station. The train jouney to Ancient Ostia is of about 25 minutes and costs 3.00 euro.

What’s included

  • Expert, English-speaking archaeology lecturer
  • The archaeology lecturer will pick you up at home of Roman wonders at 9.30 m.  and will take you  back home at the end of the tour.



As a return to the past, far away from the rumblings of the city, cycling on the ancient stones of the “Via Appia Antica”, we will discover numerous Roman sights many of which are with legends and epics. We will visit the tomb of Cecilia Metella and the splendid Villa of Massenzio, together with the Circus and the Mausoleum built after the premature death in 309 B.C of his son Romulus. We will reach finally either the San Callistus  Catacombs, lying below the Basilica of the same name. Your Local expert guide will take you down into the warren-like structure of chambers and narrow corridors to explore these ancient Christian burial grounds where you will learn about the role that the catacombs played during the times of religious persecution.

Tour highlights

  • Explore the fascinating ruins of the Appian Road cycling on the ancient Roman stones
  • Enjoy an amazing walking tour into the Villa of Massenzio housing the largest circus of the Roman world.
  • Visit the enchanting Mauseoleum of Cecilia Metella inserted in the medieval Castrum Caetani
  • Explore the mysteries of the Saint Callixtus catacombs
  • Enjoy an exquisite brunch  break at the Appia Antica caffè

Lecture duration: full day

Please note: the tour price does not include the archaeological site  entrance tickets and the mausoleum of Cecilia Metella.

Mausoleum of Cecila metella entrance ticket : 10 euro.

Saint Callistus catacombs entrance ticket: 8 euro.

Bike rental fee:  12 euro for the full day.

What’s included

  • Expert English speaking archaeology lecturer for the full day.

  • The archaeology lecturer will pick you up at home of Roman wonders at 9.30  a.m.  and will take you  back home at the end of the tour.

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